Who Jesus Says I Am

How easy is to forget things? Forget an appointment, someone’s birthday, miss a deadline, etc. It happens to some of us all the time. Those instances are no fun! They cause frustration, disappointment and confusion (and perhaps more).

It’s no different when we forget who we are in Christ. We can get distracted, believe something that doesn’t line up with what scripture says (believe a lie), make mistakes, feel poorly about ourselves or others, cause harm or frustration amongst so many other consequences of not keeping God’s truth about us in sharp focus.

To help you remember some of what Jesus says is true about you, we’ve created a reference list of Scriptures with paraphrased explanations of truths we can hold tightly to and strengthen ourselves with. Each bible verse talks about Who Jesus Says I am. We encourage you to click the link and read the exact and full verse as well as surrounding verses to get a bigger picture of what the passage is saying. Be filled with the Living Word of God and be blessed!

I am God’s Child John 1:12

God loves children, and I am a child 1 John 3:1

I am Jesus’ friend John 15:25

Jesus paid for me so I belong to Him 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Jesus used His power to make me all clean Romans 5:1

Jesus sees me as a perfect person in Him Ephesians 1:1

Because Jesus is in m, I can always talk to God Ephesians 3:12

Jesus plans good things for me Jeremiah 29:11, John 10:10b

Nothing can separate me from the love of God, no matter what someone thinks or says about me Romans 8:35-39

Jesus can stay with me and hide me from bad things Colossians 3:3

Jesus has given me love, power and self-control 2 Timothy 1:7

Because I belong to Jesus I don’t have to be fearful of evil 1 John 5:18

Jesus chose me to bear fruit and will provide that fruit as I ask John 15:16

Jesus sees my body as a temple and His Spirit dwells within me 1 Corinthians 3:16

Jesus made me in Him to do good works that he has prepared ahead of time Ephesians 2:10

I can do anything with Jesus who gives me strength Philipians 4:13


What scriptures or Godly identities would you add to this list? Do you know someone who could use this list of scriptures?

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