A Testimony From Lisa: Freedom

Here’s what God has done in my life through Kingdom Ministries.

About 13 years ago, my 10 year-old son wanted to die and actually had a plan. He had been seen by three different professionals who helped him as best they could. But he still wanted to die.The skills I learned through Kingdom Ministries gave me the tools I needed to make sure God had his way with my son’s life. He didn’t carry out his plan to die. He no longer sees anyone for therapy. He loves the Lord and just graduated from a Christian college.

My job as a nurse often puts me in a place where I wonder how things would be if I prayed for my patients. In those situations I ask my patients “Are you a praying person?”
After they answer ( either yes or no: it doesn’t really matter ) I always say “Would you like me to pray for you?” So far they have always said yes. My patients always report they feel peace after I finish praying with them. One of my patients was recovering from left hip surgery when his right hip become dislocated. An x-ray confirmed it was out of joint. It was after hours and the OR team had to be called in. As I was waiting for the team to come I prayed with the patient. Nothing changed so then I decided to simply give him a clean gown to wear. While helping him do that, his hip popped back into place. Another x-ray was taken confirming that it was back in place. The OR team was sent back home!

The tools I have learned from Kingdom Ministries enable me to take my
thoughts captive and make them conform to the truth. I was in the parking lot of my church when I had the thought “Give your tithe to Kingdom Ministries.” I thought that was great but I wasn’t really sure. I did the biblical thing and sought wise counsel. My friend told me that her brother who is a preacher says you always tithe to the church you attend. So that’s what I did. But the thought would not go away. I didn’t have peace. Then one Sunday there was a special announcement from my pastor: I don’t know his exact words but my ears heard: “Make sure you support Kingdom Ministries.”I knew then that tithing to Kingdom Ministries was what God told me to do. I thought about the money that Kingdom Ministries would have received if I had done more to take the thought captive and shine the light of God’s truth on it right away. I felt like the kingdom of darkness had robbed Kingdom Ministries of that money. So each month I add an offering to my tithe as a way to feel victorious and not defeated by the possible schemes of the kingdom of darkness. I feel peaceful about it because I know I am obeying God’s voice.

One of my favorite things I have learned from Kingdom Ministries is how to forgive. The way I understand forgiveness is that it is really a giving over of my right to judge someone. The person to whom I give over my right to judge is Jesus Christ. I know He can do a perfect job of judging because He knows the whole situation. I always want the best of everything: from the best doctor to the best car mechanic. So I know Jesus can judge the situation better than I can. That’s why I want Him to take over whenever I have a situation that needs forgiveness. The picture I have of me and forgiveness has me sitting in a chair and someone trying to put a disgusting bag of garbage on my lap while they say “Sorry about that. Please forgive me.” I don’t let that garbage bag stay on my lap at all. As fast as I can I throw it off in the direction of Jesus and say ” No! I am giving this over to Jesus. Let Him be the one you ask to forgive/judge you.” So again, forgiveness to me is the ability to dodge the attempts of someone trying to make me be the judge in a situation where I’ve been wronged. I trust Jesus, the only perfect righteous judge to either give that person mercy, or punishment, or a combination of the two.

One of the most useful and logical concepts that I constantly use that I learned from Kingdom Ministries is the use of the little word “if”. Since the spiritual world is invisible to me, I don’t know if there is an evil spirit influencing the situation I’m in or not. When I come to the Lord and bring my thoughts to Him, I don’t want any spirit opposed to Christ to be present , to lie to me, or to use something to block me from hearing truthful thoughts from God. So I say “If there is any spirit opposed to Christ you must be bound and silent and leave now in Jesus name”. This is the most effective way to have powerful prayers. These are the powerful prayers I received when I went to the counseling center at Kingdom Ministries when my marriage ended in divorce. And these are the powerful prayers I use when my 16 year old daughter comes crying to me with problems she has with a Christian girlfriend, and when my college graduate son can’t find a job, and when my Christian neighbor finds herself living with her boyfriend, and my coworker’s grandmother is dying. I have something to pray that is real and strong. It brings the peace of Christ. It brings truth. It brings freedom.


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